Microscope web quest

All About Microscopes


Mrs. Lattanzio & Mrs. Weber



    You have recently obtained the position of Teaching Assistant to a professor of Sciences at the University of Brainiacs (U of B).  Your job is to learn all there is to know about microscopes, before he will let you help him and the students.  You must learn how the microscope became what it is today, starting with the invention and development and include drawings.  Good luck in your search!



    You are to create a SHUTTER FOLDABLE  using a 12 X 18 piece of construction paper.
Inside the foldable you will include information about Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a drawing of the microscope - which you will label and color, calculations of total magnification and how to make a temporary wet mount slide.

• Make a shutter foldable using a piece of 12 X 18 construction paper.  Fold the paper in half like a book but do not crease, just pinch it.  Open it back up.  Fold the left hand side of the paper into the center, stopping at the pinch.  Do the same thing with the right hand side of the paper.  This is the shutter fold.


Include the following items labeled A-E.


A• Using the Microscope Diagram label thedrawing with the correct terminology.  Next, color YELLOW the parts of the microscope that light passes through, starting at the light source and ending at the eyepiece or ocular lens. Also, include the definition and job of each part of the microscope in your own words. Do not print the definitions from the web page.

• Glue this drawing to the inside center part of the foldable. Include the word bank and definitions on the bottom of the page.

B• Using the links below, research Anton van Leeuwenhoek. 

Write or type a complete and organized paragraph in your own words that includes the following information:
           1. Who was Anton van Leeuwenhoek? 
            2.  What are the dates of his birth and death? 
            3.  Where was his homeland? 
            4.  Why is he important? 

            5. What types of microscopic life did he discover?
            6.  Did he invent the microscope?  If not, why is he credited with this invention? Explain in full detail.


•Glue this paragraph to the left inside flap of the foldable.


C• Using the formula  eyepiece (X) objective lens = total magnification

calculate the following problems: 
                A.  eyepiece= 10x          objective lens=  40x
                 B.  eyepiece=  5x            objective lens=  10x
                C.  eyepiece=  20x          objective lens=  20x

                D. eyepiece = 40x          objective lens = 40x
• Display these calculations as a mathmatical equation on the right inside flap in a chart, only on the top half.


D• On the right inside flap (bottom half), describe how to set up a temporary wet mount slide. Use transition words to help the flow of your paragraph, and to avoid making it sound like a list.


E• On the outside front cover, label this foldable THE MICROSCOPE and include your name and illustrations to

enhance your project.






slide information:





Leeuwenhoek information:






        You will graded on each section as follows:

labeling of picture 10 pts.
definitions of microscope parts 10 pts
coloring of light path 5 pts.
research of Leeuwenhoek 15 pts.
magnification calculations 15 pts.

description of a temporary

slide procedure

15 pts.
overall neatness 10 pts.
followed all directions 10 pts
spelling and punctuation 5pts
on time 5 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

        This grade will count as a test grade



        Now, with all your new found knowledge on the microscope, you are on your way to becoming a full-time professor and helping to shape all those young minds at the U of B.